Cookies are small text files which are saved by the computer and the browser. Cookies enable our systems and Your browser to regulate for instance that an advertisement of the separate discounts appears only with a restricted frequency. Thus the cookies enable us to have our online offer perfectly matching with Your interests.
On several places of the site we use the so-called “session cookie”. These are deleted automatically after Your visit and are designed to make our offer user-friendly, effective and secure. Our cookies are protected with the help of the security standards against third party access.
In addition, by using the so-called “persistent cookies” we collect data in an anonymous manner for marketing and optimisation purposes. These data help us to identify the special demands of the individual buyer groups. We do not use the data to identify the person of the visitor of the online shop. You may, of course, anytime block this kind of use of Your data we use to optimise our offer through any of the contact details specified below.
The „Help” function displayed in the menu of most of the browsers will provide guidance to You on how Your browser disables the cookies, accept new cookies or how to instruct Your browser to set new cookies or turn off other cookies. We recommend You, though, to let the cookie functions fully enabled since this is the only way for you to adjust our advertising offer according to your interests.
The cookies used on the site do no harm your computer and do not contain viruses.
Information on our buyers is very important to us and helps us, inter alia, to continuously develop our internet pages. This is the reason why we use on or sites graphic tracking points (1×1 pixel size image link) arriving from our server which do not disturb the appearance and the download speed of the site. The measurement results of the site traffic are prepared based on the log file recording the download of the tracking pixels. The measurement results are stored on’s own server. These files can be accessed only by our colleagues. In this way we see which internet pages our customer visit and what kind of operation they do. These elements help us to know our customer better and make the website even more enjoyable.